3 Google Tricks That Will Change the Way You Search

Google Search has an unique learning curve. Even if you use it frequently, all you really know how to do is search. However, the here are some Google tricks you can take advantage of.

Google gives you with connections to hundreds of millions of responses to your query in a fraction of a second, ranging from useful to silly. But you already know that ordinary Google searches will only take you so far if you’ve ever gone through to the second or third page of search results. To locate exactly what you’re looking for, you need to use advanced Google search strategies.

Search websites for keywords

If you want to search for a particular keyword from a specific website, write the keyword followed by website name. For examaple, if you search for iPhone and then add site:phoneworld,com.pk if you simply want to read about iPhone on this page of phoneworld’s website. This will only show results from Phoneworld’s website and not from any other websites.

Get search results from a specific time period

Searching through countless iPhone articles is well and dandy, but what if you want to recapture the excitement of the iPhone’s first few years of existence?

By selecting a date range from the “Any time” drop-down menu after choosing the Tools button just below the search bar on the right-hand side, you can narrow down your results.

Thus, if we perform a search for “iPhone” and then choose a custom date range of January 1, 2007, to December 31, 2008, we will be able to access all of the articles covering the announcement, initial launch, reviews, and so forth from that date forward.

Use the Tabs

Use Google search’s tabs is one of the best Google tricks that you can use to search. Each search has a number of tabs at the top. Web, Image, News, and More are displayed. You can use these tabs to define the type of search you need to conduct.

Use the Image tab if you require images. Use the News tab to search for recent news articles.

The majority of people already utilise the tabs, so it’s simple. It is strongly advised that you become affiliated with them if you are not already. If properly used, they can drastically reduce search times.


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