Apple Removes Calculator% App Used by Teenagers to Hide Porn Photos & Videos

Apple has removed an app from its app store that used to allows users to hide personal photos and videos behind the calculator app. This news is revealed by Business Insider. The name of app was Calculator%. Calculator% was the most popular app among teenagers which was vastly used to hide some fishy things from teachers, parents and elder friends. It is not known yet that why Apple Removes Calculator% App.

Unexpectedly Apple Removes Calculator% for no Valid Reason

However it should be noted here that there are already many apps which offer the same nature of functionality. However Calculator% was being noticed by Durham Police as it started wide spreading globally.

A spokesperson revealed the following information Regarding Calculator%:

The Calculator app is essentially a secret photo album that children can use to hide photos or videos from their parents. The photos are hidden from view behind an icon that looks like a calculator. We would urge parents to be vigilant and discourage their children from using such an app.

However its surprising that why this App was removed from store as there are many other apps of same nature which are still operating.

Around one to two year back a video went viral on Facebook, alarming parents about this app. It should be mentioned here that the main goal of Calculator% was never a secret as developer himself introduced the functionality of app in description.

Lets wait to get more information about the worth of this app, as if the only reason to ban this app was hidden photos behind passcodes, many other apps would be banned as well. May be we are not aware of the actual functionality of Calculator% which will be revealed soon for sure.

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Fizza Atique

Fizza Atique is a Tech writer specializing in the intersection of tech and culture. She likes photography, VR, electronic music, coffee, and baking.

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