e-Office Suite to be Implemented in Federal Ministries/Divisions

Ms. Anusha Rahman, Minister of State for IT chaired a meeting at the Conference Room of Ministry of Information Technology. The agenda of the meeting was to review the progress made, so far, to roll-out the e-Office application to the Federal Ministries/Divisions. Secretary (IT), Mr Azmat Ali Ranjha, Member (Telecom), Executive Director (NITB), Chairman, (NTC), Executive Director (FAB), and other officials from PTA, MoIT and NITB attended the meeting.

e-Office Suite to be Implemented in Federal Ministries/Divisions

The Minister stated that Ministry of Information Technology is in the process of implementation of e-Governance system in the country through the implementation of common E-Government System named “e-office Suite” for the automation of core businesses of the government to ensure efficiency, accuracy, effectiveness and good governance, transparency and accountability in decision-making and delivery of efficient and cost-effective services. The main purpose of the e-office replication module is to promote less paper/digital Government. This e-government system is one of the key initiatives as promised in the manifesto of Pakistan Muslim League (N) for better governance through electronic (e) means.

The ED NITB updated on the roll of e-office suit and said that the roll out of e-office suit is in progress at nine (09) Federal Ministries/Divisions which includes Prime Minister Office, National Assembly Secretariat, Finance Division, Planning Commission, Science & Technology, Information Technology, Cabinet, Establishment and Economic Affairs Division and subsequently, it will be implemented in other Federal Ministries/Divisions in a phased manner. A multi-Ministry, single instance application has been developed and installed at the Central repository. E-government fiber-optic based dedicated and secure intranet has been established for the e-communication amongst the Federal Government and its ministries/Divisions. It was further explained that NITB has trained more than 1400 Federal Government employees on the said e-government system and rest of employees will be trained in phased manner.

The Minister stated that after the roll out of e-office system in Federal Ministries/Divisions if completed, it shall be then their responsibility of all the Federal Ministries/Divisions to take the ownership of the system and pursue the necessary steps for the proper change management including establishment of Basic IT Infrastructure and usage of the system in their respective Ministries/Divisions. The Minister further elaborated that in this regard, particularly issuance of directive from Prime Minister Office to all Federal Ministries/Divisions regarding usage of a system, a summary to Honorable Prime Minister has already been moved.

In the end, it was also instructed by the Minister that the e-Office implementation process must be expedited and in this regard necessary steps should be taken on high priority basis.

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Kanwal Ayub

Kanwal Ayub is a 23rd March Aries | Technology Blogger | Radio Jockey | Avid Photographer | Terrible Singer =P | Pure Punjabi | Kattar Sunni | & a Traveler.

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