Facebook Became Irresponsive World Wide

Facebook which is a social networking site and always been the first choice of users due to its easy to learn interface. But Facebook became irresponsive across the globe for an hour this morning. Millions of users were not able to access their accounts, others had difficulties in accessing photo-sharing app Instagram.

Facebook said that there was some error caused by their own engineers which lead down the concept that Facebook was hacked.

A spokesman told to the BBC that earlier this morning, millions of Facebook users were troubled accessing their Facebook accounts and other apps including Dating app tinder, which relies upon Facebook for the service.

The site was told to be unavailable for about 40 minutes before it came to its normal position.

There were tweets from the hacker group called  Lizard Squad about the services going offline. This group is also said to be responsible for the attacks upon Sony’s PlayStation Network and Microsoft’s Xbox Live games.

Whether it was the fault of the engineers been hired by the Facebook or it is the cause of the hacker’s activity but one thing is very clear that going offline for such a dynamic site like Facebook is a huge blow over the market share and the trust of the millionaires and the billionaires over Facebook.

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