Gboard's Latest Update Brings Battery Saver Dark Theme Toggle

Google has recently introduced a new update for its Gboard. Gboard’s latest update has brought a new feature that can let the users save power on OLED screens by automatically enabling the dark mode. Google has added the Gboard’s Battery Saver Dark Theme Toggle in the new update. The Gboard 7.6.13 can automatically turn on the dark theme when battery saver is active.

Gboard’s Latest Update brings a new feature that can save power on OLED screens

If you’re running 7.6.13 version of Gboard, then you can take advantage of this new feature introduced. If the Batter Saving mode is enabled and you switch on this toggle then the Dark theme will automatically turn on. This will save the power on OLED screens. Follow the steps written below to enable this option:

  • Go to the app’s settings
  • Scroll down to the Layout subsection under preferences
  • A new toggle should be waiting for you there stating “Switch to the dark theme in battery saver.”
  • Switch it on

Gboard’s latest update
After that whenever your phone’s battery saver mode will be on, Gboard will automatically turn to a dark theme. However, when you will disable the battery saver then the Gboard will switch back to the light theme.
It’s a good feature but the fact is that it is reliant on the battery saving mode only. You cannot use this feature until the battery saver is not turned on. Anyhow, if you want to use this new feature then make sure that you have the Gboards 7.6.13 version.
Also Read: Gboard’s Latest Beta Update Brings An Interesting Floating Mode

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Laiba Mohsin

Laiba is an Electrical Engineer seeking a placement to gain hands-on experience in relevant areas of telecommunications. She likes to write about tech and gadgets. She loves shopping, traveling and exploring things.

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