Here’s How To Check If Internet Provider Is Limiting Your Bandwidth to Slow Down Your Wi-Fi

A reliable internet connection is quite essential in this digital era. Whether it is work or anything else, all we need is a good internet connection. Sometimes internet service providers (ISPs) engage in approaches that can leave you frustrated if they are intentionally slowing down your Wi-Fi. Isn’t it? This phenomenon is called bandwidth throttling. If you are facing slow wifi issues, then don’t worry at all. In this blog, I will jot down some telltale signs that may indicate your internet provider is limiting your bandwidth to slow down your Wi-Fi.

How To Troubleshoot Slow Wifi Issues?

  1. Inconsistent Speeds: One of the most evident signs of bandwidth throttling is irregular internet speeds. If you notice that your internet connection is quite fast during off-peak hours but becomes extremely slow during peak usage times, it could be a red flag. ISPs usually throttle bandwidth during peak hours in order to tackle network congestion.
  2. Streaming Issues: If you notice buffering issues while streaming high-definition videos or have a problem with online gaming, it may be a sign of throttling.
  3. Speed Tests Show Disparities: Try to do regular speed tests using reputable online tools like Ookla’s Speedtest or If the results always show speeds quite lower than what you’re paying for, it could be a sign of throttling.
  4. VPN Tests: A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is the best way to tackle this problem. It helps bypass some forms of throttling by encrypting your internet traffic. If you notice a substantial improvement in your connection speed while using a VPN, it implies that your ISP is indeed throttling your bandwidth for particular activities.
  5. Check Your Internet Plan: Check your Internet plan and its terms of service as well. Some ISPs throttle bandwidth after reaching a certain data usage threshold.
  6. Customer Complaints: Check out the online forums and social media groups to see if other users in your area are experiencing identical issues with the same ISP. Regular complaints can be a strong indicator of throttling.
  7. Contact Your ISP: If you doubt your ISP is limiting your bandwidth unfairly, try to reach out to their customer support and inquire politely.

I hope these above-mentioned signs and monitoring your connection will help you identify whether your ISP is intentionally slowing down your Wi-Fi or not.

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Laiba Mohsin

Laiba is an Electrical Engineer seeking a placement to gain hands-on experience in relevant areas of telecommunications. She likes to write about tech and gadgets. She loves shopping, traveling and exploring things.

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