Mobile Licenses Renewal – PTA Invites EOI for Consultants

In order to create a fair regulatory regime to promote investment, encourage competition, protect consumer interest and ensure high quality Information & Communication Technology (ICT) services in Pakistan, PTA Invites EOI for Hiring of Consulting Firm to Develop Framework for the Renewal of Mobile Cellular Licenses in Pakistan. The development of license renewal
framework is in line with the “Clause 8.11” of the “Telecom Policy 2015” of Pakistan which stated that PTA and MoITT will conduct a periodic assessment for the new licensing frameworks and policy by the end of 2016.

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Mobile Licenses Renewal – PTA Invites EOI for Consultants

The advertisement of EOI was published in the newspapers on 21st July, 2017:

Mobile licenses Renewal - PTA invites EOI for Consultants

The detail document of PTA asks the international consulting firms to fulfill the following points:

  1. Conduct study / assessment in detail, the existing licensing framework of Pakistan and international best practice on the license renewal keeping in view the aspects as mentioned in the para 3.1.1 of the attached document;
  2. Consultation with the relevant stakeholders particularly MoITT to assess the telecom market, regulatory, financial and technical challenges in Pakistan for the purposes as specified in the para 3.1.1 of the attached document;
  3. Prepare a gap analysis report on the basis of Point 1 and Point 2 above; and
  4. Development of Framework comprising of recommendations and license template based on best international practices and stakeholders consultation as prescribed above.

The international firms are directed to complete all the required tasks as per PTA during consultancy period of 60 working days from the signing of the contract. However the exact timeline for professional consulting services will be mutually agreed with the consultant after the finalization of work plan/methodology for assignments/tasks.

Also Read: PTA Organized “Pakistan Digital Forum” to Discuss Pakistan’s Future Digital Landscape

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