New Humorous TVC by Telenor Promotes Infinity Series Mobiles

Telenor, after successful upgradation of network technology to 4G network, remains focused on creating awareness about  its 850 MHz technology.The recent compaign highlights the effective use of Telenor’s acquired 4G technology through their New Infinity Series Mobile. But the show stopper in this latest TVC is not 4G technology, rather the “New Infinity Series Mobile”. New Humorous TVC by Telenor Promotes Infinity Series Mobiles.

Also Watch: Telenor Launches its 3G Smartphones with Outstanding TVC Campaigns

New Humorous TVC by Telenor Promotes Infinity Series Mobiles

Lets watch the TVC first and then review Telenor’s effort  to show case its New star “Infinity series Mobiles.”


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