New Research About Male Genitals will Shock the Astronauts

Many males who wish to become astronauts one day might get discouraged by new research carried out by scientists funded by NASA.  The scientists did research on rats and came to know that long space journeys may lead to a big problem for male astronauts. As per the research, it could cause problems for male genitals, even when they return to Earth. The reason behind the problem is that during long space trips, astronauts might be exposed to galactic cosmic radiation (GCR).

How does GCR affect male genitals?

The study revealed that this radiation has the potential to harm the private parts of male astronauts, and these problems might persist for many years. Scientists did research on 86 male rats to examine how GCR and floating in space might affect their private parts. During the experiment, the rats were exposed to radiation identical to what astronauts might encounter in space. Shockingly, even low levels of radiation caused harm to the blood vessels in the private parts of the rats, and this damage lasted for more than a year.

The study also discovered that weightlessness in space also led to health issues for the rats, but not as much in comparison to the radiation. The lead scientist said this wasn’t very astonishing, as other studies showed that this sort of radiation could damage the parts required for proper private function.

On the positive side, scientists also discovered treatments that assisted in the improvement of the genital issues in the rats. While the harmful effects of GCR lasted a long time, targeting particular pathways in the tissues could make the problems treatable.

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