Now You Can Use Google Assistant to Make Charity Donations

Now charity donations become so easy. Yes, now you can make charity donations via Google assistant. It offers you a very simple way. You can contribute to good causes by using your voice on your smartphones and devices that include smart speakers like the Home.

To start charity donations is a very easy process. You only have to say: “Ok Google, make a donation”, or “Hey Google, donate to charity” and in this way, you will start the contribution process.

Now You Can Use Google Assistant to Make Charity Donations

Google Assistant will then ask you about the organization name. Furthermore, it will also ask about the amount you want to donate. However, at the moment, this feature is only working in the US but it is to be expected that soon it will be available in other parts of the World.

A Google spokesperson said in a statement to Mashable:

“We hope that the simplicity and convenience of donating with the Google Assistant will encourage more people to give back to the causes they love,”

With this new feature of Google Assistant, donating money to a charity or nonprofit organization just got easier for people. You can change lives by donating some money to the organization of your choice, and thanks to Google that it makes charity donations easier than ever.

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