Only Telenor Applied for 850 Spectrum Auction

We were right, it’s the only Telenor Pakistan that has applied for 850MHz spectrum; sources at Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) confirmed. As predicted earlier by Phone World, no other mobile operator applied for spectrum as today was the last day to apply for auction participation.  As only Telenor applied for the 10MHz block from 850MHz auction hence being the only desiring candidate for this spectrum fulfilled the coming 20th June, 2016 criteria.

Also read our prediction based blog on the happening: 850 Spectrum Auction: Telenor Versus Surprise?

Only Telenor Applied for 850 Spectrum Auction

Now PTA will ensure all the information and Pre-bid Deposit amount which is 15% of the base price ( as explained in Information Memorandum (IM) and then the regulator will inform the operator that it has successfully achieved 850MHz spectrum for next 15 years.

As already discussed in our recent story on this matter, presently it is only Telenor that is in need of further spectrum. Let’s see how the successfully the company uses 850MHz spectrum and improve its service quality as well.

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