Pakistan Becomes an Exemplar for India to Make Mobile SIM Cards Aadhaar Based
One of the most effective way to keep the record of the increasing population is to keep their record them by using the advance technology. Pakistan government has recently adopted the biometric system for SIM verification. As it is know that PTA along with the NADRA introduced the biometric verification system. With this upgrading, India has also tried to catch up with this system.
Pakistan Becomes an Exemplar for India to Make Mobile SIM Cards Aadhaar Based
The Government of India also aims to start a Digital India project which will be linked to give mobile SIM cards with the unique identity number (UID) or Aadhaar. To establish the system Gopal Krishna from the well-known advocacy group, Citizens Forum for Civil Liberties (CFCL), said;
“Following the footprints of Pakistan, Government of India set up Unique Identification Authority (UIDAI) of India in January 2009 for biometric identification of Indian residents.”
He further added;
With this new system in place, every mobile phone SIM card will be associated with its user’s identity as it appears in the national identity card database of the Election Commission.
With this development there were also some differences in the opinion. Dr M Vijayanunni, former Chief Secretary of Government of Kerala said,
“China, which is the other country in the world comparable to India in terms of size and diversity of population, abandoned its universal ID system midway in the face of insurmountable problems encountered during its implementation, despite the supposed advantage of their totalitarian system in pushing through such a humongous but ill-advised project.”
He also added the example of USA that it has a social security number for all residents which does not intrude into the privacy of the individuals.
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