PRA Launches Restaurant Invoice Monitoring System for Tax Collection

Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA) with collaboration of Pakistan Information Technology Board (PITB) has introduced Restaurant Invoice Monitoring System (RIMS), a web based application, in Punjab. Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA) Chairman Dr Raheal Ahmad Siddiqui on Wednesday formally launched Restaurant Invoice Monitoring System (RIMS) at Bistro 201, a restaurant located on Upper Mall Road Lahore.

PRA Launches Restaurant Invoice Monitoring System for Tax Collection with the collaboration of PITB.

RIMS is basically a web-based application that provides real-time capturing and monitoring of invoices issued by the restaurants to the customers to ensure proper declaration of Punjab sales tax on services collected.

PRA chief also announced that RIMS will be implemented across Punjab starting from major restaurants. The application will be installed in more than 50 restaurants of Lahore in the first phase that are located at MM Alam Road, Mehmood Ali Qasuri Road, Qazafi Stadium, and the famous Food Street. But most importantly, this new system will not be limited to Lahore only because the authority has announced that RIMS will implement across whole Punjab soon.

He said the PRA is also starting an Inami scheme for restaurant customers to produce and strengthen the habit of seeking proper tax invoice by the customers and also to promote this new system by providing exciting prizes.

PRA Chairman Mr. Siddiqui said:

[pull_quote_center]“In the scheme, weekly or bi-monthly exciting prizes shall be distributed among customers who obtain proper tax invoice from the restaurant,”[/pull_quote_center]

While talking to media, he also highlighted the salient features of the system and its benefits. He said that use of this system will take revenue at peak and will facilitate the interaction between the tax department and a restaurant business.

He also said that the Punjab Government takes the initiative of this ongoing revenue automation system. He also exhorted the media persons to give it a proper coverage for mass awareness.

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Onsa Mustafa

Onsa is a Software Engineer and a tech blogger who focuses on providing the latest information regarding the innovations happening in the IT world. She likes reading, photography, travelling and exploring nature.

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