PSEB Starts Accepting Applications for PM’s ICT Internship Program

PSEB Starts Accepting Applications for PM’s ICT Internship Program.

PSEB Holds Seminar for Awareness on Internship Program

PSEB held a seminar for industry awareness on Prime Minister’s ICT Internship Program which has attended by participants from different sectors including IT, telecom, banking, healthcare, academia and officials from PSEB and National ICT R&D Fund.

Prime Minister’s ICT Internship Program has been launched jointly by PSEB and National ICT R&D Fund. Both organizations are associated with Ministry of Information Technology.

PSEB is Now Accepting Applications for 3,000 ICT Internships

MD PSEB, Mr. Asim Shahryar Husain, gave a presentation on Pakistan’s IT industry and PSEB’s industry support programs.

He mentioned that PSEB had placed 400 interns last year but the internship program has been increased many times for next year to create new job opportunities for 3000 interns. He said that the program has also been expanded to include IT departments of public and private sector organizations in addition to IT companies.

This was followed by a presentation by Director Projects, PSEB who gave the details of the internship program.

He mentioned that through this program, PSEB will place 3,000 ICT graduates in the ICT Industry and other sectors including banking, telecom, healthcare, academia and other non-ICT organizations where ICT work is being carried out.

PSEB Starts Accepting Applications for PM’s ICT Internship Program

Finally, there was a question and answer session where the participants asked different questions about the internship program including applying to the program and responsibilities of participating companies. Officials including Director PSEB and GM National ICT R&D Fund responded to these questions.

PSEB had advertised the ICT Internship program in newspapers in November 2016. The goals of the program are:

To create industry academia linkage through placing IT graduates as interns with both IT companies as well as IT departments of public and private organizations.

To provide an opportunity to IT graduates to gain practical training and experience thus making themselves more employable.
To create jobs for 60-70% of the interns so that they get hired after completion of internship.

To meet industry’s needs for fresh IT graduates
PSEB has been conducting internship programs since 2003 and has placed more than 5500 interns over the last decade. 60-70% of interns got hired after completing their internships.

This time, PSEB has expanded the internship program by including banks, telcos, hospitals, academia and other non-ICT organizations with IT departments.

IT graduates can apply online at:

Deadline for applications: 30th December, 2016

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