PTA Initiates Process for 3G/4G Spectrum Auction in AJK & GB
PTA Initiates Process for 3G/4G Spectrum Auction in AJK & GB. Pakistan Telecommunication Authority is ready to start the auction process for provision of 3G/4G services in AJ&K and GB by the end of 2017.
PTA in this regard has issued policy directive for the auction of three blocks of 10 MHz each in 2100 MHz and one block of 10 MHz in 1800 MHz band on its official website.
Read Complete Policy Directive Document Here: PTA
PTA Initiates Process for 3G/4G Spectrum Auction in AJK & GB
A part from this, one block of 10M Hz in 2100 MHz band and one block of 10 MHz in 1800 MHz band have been spared for Special Communications Organisation (SCO). SCO is a telecommunication services provider to both the public and private sector in AJ&K and GB region.
PTA will carry out the auction process following the powers conferred to it by the sub-section (2) of section 8 of Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-organization) Act 1996. The entire auction process will be concluded as soon as possible said by PTA.
For the auction process, PTA will hire services of local consulting firm in order to calculate spectrum base price. Additionally, the firm will also design the entire auction process while the expenditure incurred on the consultancy will be met by PTA out of the auction proceeds.
According to the policy directive, all existing telecom companies in Pakistan, GB and AJ&K will be eligible to participate in the spectrum auction. A new license for the provision of NGMS will be issued to the successful bidders. The tenure of license will be 15 years of time period. The auction winners may deploy renewable energy sources as power back up in the region.
PTA said that:
“The successful applicants can pay minimum 50% upfront payment, while the remaining to be paid in 5 equal installments in 5 years with mark-up rate of 3% + LIBOR.”
A supervisory committee for this purpose has organized to look after the auction process and removal of any difficulties during auction process.
Also Read: SCO All Set to Launch 3G/4G Services in AJK & GB
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