Samsung Update to Disable All Galaxy Note 7 Phones in the US

Samsung decided to distribute a software update that disables charging on recalled Galaxy Note7 smartphones. Samsung’s next software update for the Galaxy Note 7 smartphone will make the devices useless in order to prevent any more users from catching fire and exploding. Samsung Update to Disable All Galaxy Note 7 Phones in the US.

Brenna Eller, Samsung Corporate Communications stated:

To further increase participation, a software update will be released starting on Dec. 19 and will be distributed within 30 days in the company’s official statement. This software update will prevent U.S. Galaxy Note7 devices from charging and will eliminate their ability to work as mobile devices

Samsung Update to Disable All Galaxy Note 7 Phones in the US

Previously users were harmed by explosion of Galaxy Note 7 smartphones. keeping in views this problem 93 percent of all recalled Galaxy Note7 devices have been returned. But Samsung wants remaining 7 percent users to return or stop using it as soon as possible. To make sure that happens, the company is issuing an update that will prevent the phone from charging its batteries.

By preventing the phone from charging, Samsung takes the final step to making the phone entirely unusable. It’s still offering Note 7 owners the ability to fully return the phone or exchange it for another Samsung device.

Verizon stated that it would not push the update to its customers to avoid the added risk it could pose to Galaxy Note 7 users who don’t have another device to switch to.

We will not push a software upgrade that will eliminate the ability for the Note7 to work as a mobile device in the heart of the holiday travel season. We do not want to make it impossible to contact family, first responders or medical professionals in an emergency situation

The Korean firm will issue an update on 19 December that will stop the handset from charging, rendering it useless. The idea behind the updates is to encourage those users who have not already returned their recalled handsets to do so.

Samsung said that consumer safety is their highest priority. Not everyone’s happy about the update as it will leave some people without their main communications device.

Also Read: Samsung Brings Refund/Exchange for Pakistani Note 7 Users

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Fizza Atique

Fizza Atique is a Tech writer specializing in the intersection of tech and culture. She likes photography, VR, electronic music, coffee, and baking.

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