Senate Body Shows Concern for Procedure to Block SIMs & End Night Packages

On Tuesday, the Senate Standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat recommended that coverage area of the cellular mobile network under the USF must be improved. So that distant parts of the country can get up-to-date telecom services as well.

Senate Body Shows Concern for Procedure to Block SIMs & End Night Packages. While addressing the meeting, Senator Talha Mehmood said that the delivery of telecom services, particularly to the underserved population of far-flung localities was the need of the hour.

Senators Najma Hameed, Kalsoom Perveen and Haji Saifullah Khan Bangash were also present during the meeting.

The committee conveyed its apprehensions over system to block SIMs, night packages presented by cellular mobile operators, roaming charges on internet, working and deferral of telecommunication networks. It also said that ‘night packages’ by cellular companies had ethically destructed the new generation.

Senate Body Shows Concern for Procedure to Block SIMs & End Night Packages

The Chairman of the Committee also expressed disapproval on suspension of mobile network for a long time. And added that regardless of suspension, unfortunate events occurs, which was unsatisfactory. The committee stressed on the enhancement in quality of mobile internet service for subscribers.

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PTA Chairman, Dr Syed Ismail Shah informed the committee that the services were suspended on the orders of the Interior Ministry. They were suspended due to security reasons.

As compared to last two years, mobile Internet services have improved, particularly after introduction of 3G and 4G services. He also added that further efforts would remain to bring developments in broadband services.

He also revealed that Afghan and Indian mobile SIMs were not working in Pakistan. But near bordering areas, some of the mobile phone networks were operational.

“This particular issue was in our notice and we were trying to resolve it.”

He added.

Dr Ismail Shah said that the sum of biometric SIMs in the country were 130.4 million till August 31 this year. Moreover the procedure of re-verification had started in 2015 and completed effectively with blockage of 90.83 million.

PTA had also suggested to CMOs not to sell their SIMs without any charges. So that public could not use it for free balance and then discard it, said PTA Chairman.

The Committee, then, decided to call representatives from Interior Ministry to brief about the closure of mobile service. Furthermore, it was also decided to call officials of FBR to have an update on tax collection method from telecom companies.

Also Read: PTA Rejects Media Reports Regarding Unchecked and Free Use of Afghan SIMs

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