How to Stop Stalking Your Ex on Social Media?

Nothing is more tempting than stalking your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend on social media platforms.  People soon after their break up become full time stalker on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many other social media websites. With the help of this blog, let me help you to stop stalking your ex and to start living a life you deserve.

How to Stop Stalking Your Ex on Social Media?

Before going to reveal the ways of how to stop stalking your ex, just think at-least once that what are you actually getting from all this stalking process. You need to understand that your ex losing 10 Twitter followers this week and gaining 8 is not something important for you anymore. Therefore, stop hurting yourself for someone who might have celebrated break up party after your departure.

Immediately block your ex from all social media sites:

The first step to do after your break up is to block your ex from every social media website like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. No doubt, it is the most extreme way of stopping yourself from stalking but it is also the effective one. Easiest way of moving on is to cut off all the communication sources including calls, text, and email via social media.

Limit your social media contacts with mutual friends:

The second basic step to follow is to limit contact with mutual friends. You understand that world is in highly populated stage so you can find many other friends. So better engage with friends who aren’t in your mutual social circles.It’s the best way to avoid the question of “How Your Ex is upto these days?”

“Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind” Is A Real Thing to Understand:

Don’t live in a denial state and accept the fact that nothing stays permanent in this world.  To follow the formula of out of sight, out of mind “Blocking” is the best option for you.

Remove all the memories from your social media accounts:

Get rid of all the things which make you think about your ex. Do not keep their messages in your inbox. Better to delete all the picture and video which they have shared with you. This will help you to refresh all they good and bad time you have spent with your ex.

Set your “Me” Time and understand that life goes on:

Fill up your time with the stuff that makes you feel good. Go out with your family and friend do whatever you like. Get involved in activities like sports, art, music, reading, dancing, cooking etc and not just partying, smoking or drinking.

Follow all the above mentioned steps and let us know how much these steps have contributed in saying “Bye Forever” to your ex-partner.

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