Techaccess Pakistan receives ASEAN Best Partner Award

TechAccess Pakistan (TAP), a regional system integrator and a secure cloud enabler, received the Advanced Customer Services (ACS)ASEAN Best Partner Award by Oracle for the year 2019, during a ceremony held in Marriott Hotel, Islamabad. The ceremony was attended by the regional and local teams of Oracle, including Mr. Freddy Tan and Mr. Alvin Chia from Oracle ACS Singapore, along with Mr. Yasir Lodhi and Mr. Qazi Jawad ul Haq from Oracle ACS Pakistan.

Techaccess Pakistan receives ASEAN Best Partner Award

The award has been given in recognition of the multiple projects jointly delivered by Oracle ACS and TAP in Pakistan. These projects have been delivered to multiple mission critical customers in Defense, Telecom & Banking sectors. TAP relationship with Oracle spans over two decades, consistently winning key opportunities,offering cloud, hardware,BigData, consultancy, security, middleware, software, licenses along with Oracle ACS.

“Security being the existing challenge in the Pakistan industry, our main focus is to collaborate with Oracle in providing secure solutions to our customers”, said Mr. Mahmood Jabbar, the CEO of TAP. He further added that Oracle has always been our premium partner and we are determined to strengthen our relationship with Oracle at all levels.

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Mr. Tariq Malik, an internationally recognized cybersecurity expert and the CTO of TAP discussed the strategy around Oracle security portfolio. He also accentuated on the efficiency and robustness of Oracle portfolio and how TAP is establishing a division, purely for security, application and software implementation.

TAP, with over 100 engineersand consultants, provides 24 x 7 Oracle support services and holds Platinum Partnership along with Field Delivery Service Partner (FDSP) and Installation Delivery Partner status, maintainingstandard and engineered systems across the country.


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