UNIDO Grants Five Awards to Pakistani Tech Innovators
United Nations Industrial Development Organization gave 5 awards to Pakistani innovators in the field of clean technologies. This awards were granted to Pakistani Entrepreneurs under the Global Cleantech Innovation Program. UNIDO Grants Five Awards to Pakistani Tech Innovators.
To represent the awards, an award distribution ceremony was organised which awarded the promising Pakistani innovators who deserved it.
UNIDO Grants Five Awards to Pakistani Tech Innovators
The award giving ceremony was attended by more than 200 high ranking officials and dignitaries, ambassadors, international donor agencies, UNIDO field staff, GEF, Rectors and vice chancellors of universities, government institutions including allied departments of Ministry of Commerce, investors, chambers of commerce and industry and private sector stakeholders.
GCIP has awarded in different categories this year. The first prize was won by team “Modulus Tech“. Modulus Tech” has innovated a new design of a low cost houses which were energy efficient. Biotech stood second for making dual function solar system for rural areas. This system can run water pumps and flour mills.
Third prize was acquired by a team of girls named Aerosync, who innovated solar power cart for roadside street vendors. The new theme prizes were introduced this year which are called Industry Challenge Award. The first one was solution for steel industry, awarded to Bitsym Bitpredict team. This team had designed industrial process fault detection information system. Cream got second price for utilizing technology and regenerating the old batteries.
While praising the winners, federal Secretary for Climate Syed Abu Ahmed Akif said:
The annual competition fosters green entrepreneurship and supports marketable solutions that address the most pressing global environmental challenges
Well done Pakistan!
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