Your stolen Apple ID Login Details are Selling for PKR-1770 on Dark Web!

If you are an Apple user, then this blog is a must read. Most of the Apple users don’t really care about their Apple ID login details considering the strictly secured patterns of Apple. Well, it’s time to start considering it as a valuable asset as it contains all your personal and financial details, getting it stolen can get you in big trouble.

Did you know that due to some hackers and fraudulent dealers and suppliers, your Apple ID login credentials can be sold pretty cheap on Dark web – a difficult to find and the most shadowy area of the internet as it deals with all the fraudulent and dark activities.

Worth of Apple ID

Your Apple ID login details are worth $16 (approximately PKR-1770) on the dark web. Making the most sold – high in demand non-financial asset on the dark web, reported by Top10VPN. The catch is that you cannot find the person who sold your Apple ID login credentials ever!
Because on the dark web people communicate and deal anonymously – buy and sell services without getting traced.

According to secured reports, the fraudulent deceivers sell and buy your personal stolen Apple IDs on the dark web on frequent basis in order to earn cash on the go. The deceivers are not only selling stolen Apple ID login credentials but there are other apps and login details that are being compromised on the dark web including Netflix, EBay, Amazon and Walmart personal account details.

Comparison of other Stolen IDs

The reports proposed by the Top10VPN also highlighted the comparison rates of other personal login details of platforms like Netflix, EBay, and PayPal etc. It is stated that Netflix login credentials are sold at $8.32 (PKR-920), while PayPal is sold on the highest rate of $247 (which is worth PKR – 27330), next in line are the online banking credentials which are sold at a price of $160.15 (PKR-17720), while on the other e-commerce sites, Walmart and Amazon login details are sold at $9 (PKR – 995) each. Lastly, the credit and debit cards login credentials are also sold on the dark web at a price of $50 and $67.50 (PKR – 5532 and PKR- 7468) respectively.

Final thoughts:

Considering the personal information coupled with financial details, Apple ID login credentials are worth the demand in the Dark web. Hackers from all around the world are working on different hideous techniques and methods to steal your Apple ID login details. More oftenly, these scammers/deceivers use different phishing tricks to make the user fall into a trap where they unwittingly give over their financial login details of accounts by signing in to forged login pages that perfectly resemble to the genuine login details page. It is important to keep a high-level password and never share it on unsecured pages. Make sure to only click on official SSP secured website links to keep safe your login details.

Read more: Apple Pay Cash Reportedly Starts Rolling out Globally

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