YouTube Copies TikTok- Bring Vertical Video ads for better Marketing

These days, when some social media app launches a new feature or gets more subscribers, other apps instead of bringing something new to shine, analyze the features that made that app stand out and copy them shamelessly. We have seen these things during the last some months. Guess the most copied app these days? It’s non other than TikTok. TikTok, which initially got a lot of criticism has become one of the most copied apps these days since it is now one of the most loved platforms for people. While Instagram and Facebook are big names, they are also copying small features from the platform. Now, another big name is added to the list since Google wants to expand the number of ways that vertical video ads can end up on its video platform.

The company is working on a feature to use artificial intelligence to take horizontal ads for standard YouTube videos and automatically transform them into vertical ads for YouTube Shorts. YouTube shorts are totally a copy of TikTok clones.

While telling about this new inclusion, Google said:

“We’re experimenting with a new machine learning technology that reformats landscape video ads into square or vertical formats based on how someone is watching YouTube. businesses who may not have dedicated resources to create multiple assets can easily benefit from this technology, which automatically adapts their existing assets for several different formats.”

With this, Facebook, Instagram, and now Google have tried their best to steal the limelight of TikTok, but I don’t think they are able to succeed yet. Google’s internal data has noted that video ads perform better and are more effective than other formats on the platform.

“We found that when advertisers added a vertical creative asset to their Video action campaigns, they delivered 10-20% more conversions per dollar on YouTube Shorts than campaigns that used landscape assets alone.”Keeping the fast pace of Shorts in mind, there’s no need to set up a premise or establish a storyline with lots of extra contexts. Jump into the action quickly and your audience is more likely to stick around,” 
While it might sound funny, I believe these days race between social media companies is not about bringing the best features for people, instead who copies the other platform better is the main thing.

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Fizza Atique

Fizza Atique is a Tech writer specializing in the intersection of tech and culture. She likes photography, VR, electronic music, coffee, and baking.

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