Nothing Phone 3 Leak: Is It an iPhone 16 Clone?

With nearly a year gone by since the Nothing Phone 2’s release, anticipation for the Nothing Phone 3 is at a fever pitch. While details remain scarce, a recent tweetstorm by Nothing CEO Carl Pei has sent tech enthusiasts into a frenzy. While the focus was on updates to the Nothing OS user interface, some reports claim that the phone in the leak might be our first glimpse of the Nothing Phone 3 itself.

A defining characteristic of the Nothing Phone 1, Phone 2, and even the recent Phone 2a has been the familiar three-button layout: two volume rockers on the left and a power button on the right. However, the phone showcased in Pei’s tweets breaks this trend. It sports an extra button on the right side, positioned just below the power button.

This unexpected addition has sparked a wave of speculation. Its purpose remains a complete mystery, but the timing adds another layer of intrigue. Rumours surrounding Apple’s upcoming iPhone 16 series point towards a similar new button situated below the power key.

Nothing Phone 3 Leak: Is It an iPhone 16 Clone?

Apple’s rumoured button will be a multi-tasking marvel. It could act as a dedicated camera shutter or launch button, but the possibilities extend further. Speculation suggests it might even offer customizable actions linked to Apple’s built-in AI features in the next iOS update.

Interestingly, Nothing recently announced ChatGPT integration into Nothing OS. This raises the possibility that the Nothing Phone 3’s mystery button could fulfil a similar role, serving as a dedicated AI button for quick access to these AI-powered features.

It’s no secret that Nothing’s designs often evoke comparisons to Apple’s sleek aesthetics. However, with the Nothing Phone 3 potentially hitting the market before the iPhone 16, the narrative might shift. Could this be the year Nothing flips the script and asks, “Who’s copying who now?”

While concrete details about the Nothing Phone 3 are under wraps, whispers suggest it will pack a powerful punch with a Snapdragon 8-series chip at its core. We can also expect enhancements to the signature Glyph LED lights and an overall improved user experience. The timing of Pei’s tweets, possibly a deliberate hype-generating tactic, further fuels speculation that the Phone 3 launch might be imminent. The next few weeks could be filled with exciting Nothing news, so stay tuned!

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Onsa Mustafa

Onsa is a Software Engineer and a tech blogger who focuses on providing the latest information regarding the innovations happening in the IT world. She likes reading, photography, travelling and exploring nature.

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