How To Undo Deleted WhatsApp Messages?

WhatsApp keeps on bringing amazing features to engage its users. Several WhatsApp features have been rolled out to a broader audience since the beginning of this year. WhatsApp has recently introduced an ‘Undo feature’ for its users. If you’re someone like me, who has hit the ‘Delete for me’ button instead of the ‘Delete for everyone’ option in haste, this new feature will get you covered. It is undoubtedly a lifesaver that allows you to undo the delete action and restore the message. After you do this, you can easily delete the message for everyone if that’s what you planned to do in the first place. It will surely save you from a lot of embarrassment! Now, let’s dig into how the feature works.

How To Undo Deleted WhatsApp Messages?

The process to undo deleted WhatsApp messages is quite simple.

Step 1: Open the chat where you want to delete a WhatsApp message. Tap and hold on to a message to delete.

Step 2: If you delete the message for yourself by accidentally tapping on ‘Delete for me’, you will immediately see a small banner at the bottom with an Undo button. Quickly tap on it. It is pertinent to mention that the Undo feature will be available for just 5 seconds. So, you need to be quick otherwise the option will vanish.

Step 3: Select the message again and choose the ‘Delete for Everyone’ option.


1. Can I undo an image deleted accidentally?

Yes, the same process can be used to restore a deleted image or any media file.

2. What is the time duration for undoing a deleted WhatsApp message?

WhatsApp gives you only 5 seconds to undo a deleted message. As soon as you hit the delete for me, you will see a small banner at the bottom of the screen that lasts 5 seconds. If you don’t select the undo button in that duration, it will disappear. It means you cannot restore the message after that time.

4. Can I undo a deleted WhatsApp chat?

Unfortunately, the ability to undo a whole deleted WhatsApp chat isn’t here yet. It would be a welcoming feature to have, though. So, we hope the messaging giant rolls it out soon.

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Laiba Mohsin

Laiba is an Electrical Engineer seeking a placement to gain hands-on experience in relevant areas of telecommunications. She likes to write about tech and gadgets. She loves shopping, traveling and exploring things.

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