LinkedIn Launches Gaming: Can Puzzles Boost Engagement on the Professional Platform?

Remember that time LinkedIn dipped its toes into the gaming world by testing word and logic puzzles reminiscent of Wordle? Well, the experiment is over, and the platform is officially launching three full-fledged games: Queens, Crossclimb, and Pinpoint.

Available globally starting today, these brain teasers aim to attract new users and keep existing ones engaged. Think of them as a casual way to break the ice with connections, test your wit, and maybe even spark some friendly competition.

Each game offers a unique challenge:

  • Queens: A strategic logic puzzle inspired by Sudoku, where you arrange crowns within a grid without overlaps. Share your scores with individuals, but be prepared to see your company affiliation on the leaderboard.
  • Crossclimb: A trivia game where you decipher clues to form words that change by one letter with each step, ultimately leading to a new word. This one might require some initial guesswork, but the satisfaction of cracking the code is worth it!
  • Pinpoint: A word association game similar to the New York Times’ “Connections.” Find the hidden link between two words with as few reveals as possible. Be warned, this one can be deceptively tricky!

Similar to Wordle, these games are limited to one play per day. You can invite your first-degree connections to join you. You can also share your game progress with them if you choose. While social interaction is encouraged, LinkedIn emphasizes that the games are designed to be quick and contained, avoiding distractions from your professional network.

LinkedIn Launches Gaming: Can Puzzles Boost Engagement on the Professional Platform?

So, why the sudden foray into gaming? LinkedIn sees it as a strategic move to strengthen existing connections and expand user engagement. It follows the footsteps of news publishers like The New York Times, who have successfully leveraged puzzles and word games to build loyal audiences.

In a world dominated by social media giants like TikTok and Instagram, LinkedIn is seeking innovative ways to capture the attention of users, especially younger demographics. Games offer a fun and engaging way to extend user sessions, potentially leading to increased advertising revenue and user value.

While Facebook’s standalone gaming app faced closure due to declining usage, LinkedIn’s approach is different. Designed specifically for professional networking, it aims to integrate games seamlessly into the platform, offering a lighthearted break without compromising its core purpose.

Whether LinkedIn’s gaming venture will become a game-changer remains to be seen. But one thing is clear: the platform is actively experimenting and evolving to keep users engaged and connected in a more natural and interactive way. So, the next time you log in, why not give these new brain teasers a try? You might just discover a hidden talent or spark a new connection with a fellow professional.

See Also: See How AI on LinkedIn Let you Impress New Employers!

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Onsa Mustafa

Onsa is a Software Engineer and a tech blogger who focuses on providing the latest information regarding the innovations happening in the IT world. She likes reading, photography, travelling and exploring nature.

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