9 Sociological And Psychological Impacts Of TikTok

TikTok-An Emerging Life Threat

TikTok, Musically and all such apps have gained immense popularity over a very short period of time. Thus they have a great impact on the lives of the consumers. Who proved to cross all the boundaries in misusing them. In nature, the Apps are not evil. They do not intend harm. Rather are simple apps offering various features to shoot videos and provide a variety of Background Music (BGM) to act accordingly. But let us have a look at how apps like TikTok have evolved into an emerging life threat! And what Sociological And Psychological Impacts TikTok have on its user’s lives.

1.Sociological Impacts:

  • Social Isolation: Although the app is all about socializing with the audience but in reality the consumers tend to become so involved that they are unable to give attention to the relations they are surrounded by and prefer those over a screen.
  • Wastage Of Time, Energy, Money:

Isn’t it too much to put in just to entertain an audience, with the risk that they may or may not like what you have to offer? And when in actual you get nothing at all in return.

  • Nudidity:Sociological And Psychological Impacts Of TikTok; Nudidity

Although the App wasn’t intended to be used this way; mostly we witness young girls showing off their bodies while dancing in order to please the audience. Sometimes they serve this under the ‘fan following’ pressure and do not want to lose or disappoint their fans.

  • Source Of Harassment:

As the App allows you to share worldwide, chances of verbal and physical harassment exist. Criticism over the screen is normal but the same people might come across in life and may prove to be a threat to you. Again not the fault of the app but it lays a great responsibility for the users which they usually fail to shoulder.

  • Source Of Blackmailing:

In a culture such as that of Pakistan And India, Where honour killing is very common. Contents shared across these kinds of apps may be used to blackmail the individuals even if they haven’t been directly involved in it.

We may look at the recent tragedy of a girl who’s friend made a TikTok video of her while dancing in the classroom and uploaded it without her being aware of it. And went viral. Later she committed suicide when her father came to know of it and got a heart attack.

2.Psychological Impacts:


Narcissism:Sociological And Psychological Impacts Of TikTok; Narcicims

Such apps users are mostly highly self-obsessed. You may know a friend who is a TikTok user and all they ask for is to shoot a video of them while they perform all those lunatic acts which they believe make them look attractive.

Self-Inflicting Pain:

You may have seen people using onions in order to cry for some video act but TikTok users now have exceeded the limit of self-harm. Videos of cutting arms, dancing in front of passing trains or buses with a close miss, hitting themselves to show emotions etc. have become viral.


All of this stage is set just to get popularity, basically Likes. But what if they fail to get as much as they need to fulfil their desire for approval and acceptance? Then this results in tension, stress and depression! which may be increased to serious mental health issues.

Attention Seeking:

TikTok and all such app users are most vulnerable to the psychological disorder of ‘Attention Seeking’. They intend to satisfy their audience and view it as a source of acceptance in the society. Rather than accepting or improving what they lack in, they hide it under the cover of their acting, ake status which they believe they gain through the temporary popularity gained by such apps.



Nothing is pure evil in its form but the use of it makes it a blessing or a curse. TikTok and all such apps do have various good Impacts. They allow a platform to discover the hidden talents of acting and performing arts, they may be a source of entertainment and can be used as a way of expression. But as the cliche calls “Excess of everything is bad”.

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Aiza Riaz Butt

I am a proud Pakistani and an ambitious student who is determined to become a socio-religious revolutionist in the long-run. My relation with the world of technology is not only interest-based but it is our family business and that gives me a double affiliation with it. Hope my words provide you with blessed knowledge. Feel free to hit me up if you have any queries.

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