Now Microsoft Windows 11 App Store can be reached via web browser

Microsoft keeps on changing the outlook of its webpage. It also brings in new features to keep the users attracted towards Microsoft and also to give the users the ease to grab the app. Microsoft has rolled out a new web front for the Windows app store. It has actually redesigned the website which shows new outlook to experience their new app store that has been introduced on Windows 11. Also, Microsoft Windows 11 App Store can be reached through a web browser.

The new website allows the users to use any phone or tablet to visit the app product pages even if the device doesn’t has the Microsoft Store app installed. The website appears to provide same information as that used to appear on the native Microsoft Store app.

Microsoft Windows 11 App Store Update Ease Usage

The user can see the product images, reviews and rating but cannot view the app specifications requirements. For this he needs to go to from any device he has with a web browser and he will then access the new web front.

Website supports Microsoft Store’s new mini install prompt

The new website also supports the Microsoft Store’s new mini-install prompt. The Microsoft Store app is first one to introduce it. When the user clicks the “Install” button from the website on either Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC, a window will appear to ask him to conform the download. On conformation, the app will start the install without the hassle of taking the user to the full version of Microsoft Store app. The experience is so seamless and unified that user enjoys it and it gives ease to the user in all possible ways.

Website supports Listing for the new unpackaged Win 32

The new version of the Windows app store includes the listing for the new unpackaged Win32 applications that were first introduced in Windows 11. This option was not available in the old version of the website.

This new web front is quite attractive and introduces many things that were not existing before. It shows different apps on the web page front rather than movie updates. The page front saying get connected and stay informed with an attractive back display will soon grab the attention of many.

Also Read: How to Update Drivers on Windows 11

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Fizza Atique

Fizza Atique is a Tech writer specializing in the intersection of tech and culture. She likes photography, VR, electronic music, coffee, and baking.

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