Twitter Stops users from Taking Screenshots- Give other options Instead

Twitter has launched some marvelous features during the last few weeks. Some of the features included are Editing Tweets which are not available for Twitter Premium Users. Another one is sending mixed media tweets which allow users to send pictures, GIFs, and videos together along with tweets. While these two are great features, now we have come across another functionality that stops users from taking screenshots on Twitter.

Due to this, some of the users on Twitter see a notification whenever they try to take screenshots asking them to share or copy links to tweets instead of taking screenshots. While I cannot see any prompt when taking screenshots, many users have shared how they were stopped from taking screenshots with this prompt:

Twitter Stops users from Taking Screenshots- Give other options Instead

The above prompt stay for a few seconds on the screen. On the other hand, social media consultant Matt Navarra noticed individual prompts for “Copy link” and “Share Tweets”.

Copying links or sharing tweets has the same function. Through both, one would be able to DM the tweet, share it with a community, bookmark it, or share it via messages or another social app.

While many would be thinking why Twitter took this step, I don’t think it is due to privacy or something like this. I think Twitter wants users to spend more time on Twitter and by sending tweets in dm or copying links, users would spend more time on the app. Also, the person who will receive it will also be directed to Twitter due to which usage time can be greatly increased.

On the other hand, users love to take screenshots because they are time-saving and can save information even when someone deleted the tweets. While not everyone has received this feature, so it might be possible that it is in the testing phase and will be launched for everyone soon.

There is one more possibility, that like Instagram Twitter directly stops users from taking screenshots in the future. So let’s wait and watch.

Also Read: Twitter Mixed Media: Now put GIFs, images & videos in one Tweet



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Fizza Atique

Fizza Atique is a Tech writer specializing in the intersection of tech and culture. She likes photography, VR, electronic music, coffee, and baking.

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