Want to Make a YouTube Channel? Here is How

In the recent times having an additional source of income always come in handy. Many social media is offering earning options. Among the many YouTube is one such platform. You can create your channel on YouTube and start earning from your channel. Below are the steps that you can follow to create your own YouTube channel.

The process of creating your channel is very easy and it takes around 30minutes on your laptop, PC or Smart-device to create your channel. Follow the following steps:

  1. First things first, open the YouTube app on your smart devices or on the browser of your laptop or PCs. Sign-in with your Google account.
  2. Click on your profile picture icon in the menu that pops up and click on “Create a Channel”.
  3. Now a dialogue box opens where you are asked to confirm the details i.e. Channel name and Photo.
  4. Type in your details and upload a picture and tap on the “Create Channel” button and your YouTube Channel is created. Now you can upload your videos and other content on the channel for viewing.

Now if you don’t know how to upload keep reading post we will tell you how to upload your videos for your channel.

  1. Log into your YouTube creator studio on studio.youtube.com
  2. Now tap on the “Create” icon on the top-right corner on the screen and select ‘Upload videos”.
  3. Now select the video from your device and drag and drop the files and click on “Select files”.
  4. Now select the file and the it will start uploading in the background.
  5. Now give the details for the uploaded video i.e. the title, description and thumbnails for the video in the dialogue box.
  6. Add subtitles, an end screen and “cards” and proceed further.
  7. Now select whether video should be “Private”, “Unlisted” or “Public”.
      1. If you select “Private” only you and selected people whom you choose will be able to view the video.
      2. If you select “Unlisted”, the only way the video can be viewed is by clicking on the direct link for the video.
      3. If you select “Public” then your video will be available for viewing like any other YouTube video.
  8. Now after uploading your video, click on “Done” and “Save” your video will be uploaded on YouTube.

It is a pretty easy process to make your own channel on YouTube, what is more challenging is the content that you create and share. Will it interest the viewer in watching your video or not?

Also Read: Pakistani journalists moved to YouTube after Imran khan ousted as Prime minister and Top YouTube Channels in 2022

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