Native Languages can Play a Vital Role in Coronavirus Awareness

We are living in a world with diverse ethnicities and languages. Even a single country has multiple ethnicities, and each one has its own local language. It is a rule of nature that people tend to understand things better in their own native language. Particularly, in the country like Pakistan, where the literacy rate is on the lower side. Most of the people belonging to the remote areas can’t understand things in a foreign language or to be more precise in the English language, which is a standard in the contemporary world.

Native Languages can Play a Vital Role in Coronavirus Awareness

The Covid-19  pandemic is tightening its grip on the globe and has taken the lives of thousands of people. So the awareness campaigns related to this deadly pandemic are quite essential. They can be most affective when carried out in local languages. For people to truly understand the threat of coronavirus pandemic and what are the precautionary measures while dealing with the deadly virus. Keeping that in mind, the KpK government also launched an awareness campaign. They used the Polio Eradication Program (PEP) teams in the country for the identification and awareness regarding novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) at the community level.

It is evident from the above-mentioned video that indigenous language can help people to understand the situation in a better way. Furthermore, there are some funny moments like the one in which native people are offering different tools to kill the virus. These scenes are added to make the video truly interesting. The video envisages the threats of Covid-19 and how it can have devastating effects on our future. In the last segment of the video, it has been explained how to tackle the virus by following different precautionary measures like washing hands for 20 minutes. Consequently, the majority of the native people of KP who are not good at understanding a foreign language will truly understand the content of this video.

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Similarly, this formula of making the masses understand in local language could have some positive prospects for other regions as well.

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