PTA Grants BiP Trial Permission to Jazz
The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has issued provisional permission to PMCL (Jazz) for a technical trial in collaboration with BiP Communication Technologies for an initial period of two months with effect from 15th March 2023.
The PTA officials revealed that the permission is given only for technical trials and non-commercial. It will take further input from all the stakeholders including intelligence and law enforcement agencies. It is not possible to wait for months and years to take such decisions or till the completion of the three-member PTA Authority.
PTA Grants BiP Trial Permission to Jazz For Two Months
The PTA has allowed Jazz for trials on some terms and conditions including;
- the trial will be conducted on a non-exclusive, non-permanent, non-discriminatory, non-interference and non-protection basis
- A2N and N2A calls shall be made for Jazz Intra-Network only. However, a limited number of Other Mobile Operators (OMOs) SIMs/Fixed Local Loop Operators (FLLOs) connection may be allowed to test Inter-Network A2N/N2A call scenarios and its commercial/QoS aspects subject to the mutual consent of the OMO/FLLO and PMCL. Furthermore, test SIMs details/connections of other OMO/FLLO shall be shared with Authority,
- PMCL to ensure A2N and N2A calls feature should be available within Pakistan only
- PMCL to ensure that a mechanism is put in place for interrogating from the EIRs to ensure BIP call is done via PTA-approved IMEIs devices
- PMCL will ensure that necessary safeguards are in place to abide by PTA’s DIRBS and Loss/Stolen Device requirements
- PMCL to ensure and maintain LI compliance
- PMCL to share detailed arrangements with Turkcell to ensure the security and privacy of Pakistani citizen data
- PMCL to ensure requisite safeguard to data security concerns
- PMCL will ensure compliance with Quality of Service (QoS) as laid down in the Licence Terms & Conditions and Cellular Mobile Network Quality of Service Regulations 2021.
- A2N/N2A calls will be charged from user airtime as per the existing voice or data packages of PMCL and no hidden/additional charges will be applicable.
- PMCL will seek approval of the consumer awareness material through CA Division PTA and clearly mention that the services are on a trial basis for a limited time period
See Also: MoiTT Directs PTA to Ensure Proper Coverage & Service in the country
- PMCL and BiP undertake not to indulge in anti-competitive practices with regard to offering services to end consumers and other telecom operators
- PMCL shall pay all applicable taxes to the GoP for all types of traffic
- PMCL will seek prior approval of its data tariffs from PTA in case of data offers with regard to BiP services
- In case of international incoming minutes terminated through BiP, the proceeds/receipts from the corresponding operator(s) respecting incoming international telephony services shall be maintained by the LDN / respective LDI operator in a separate bank account maintained for the purpose
- PMCL shall pay all applicable interconnection charges including termination rates for call termination to the telecom network
- The complete technical architecture of the solution (HLD/LLD ATPs). Call flows with L3 Signaling and integration details shall be shared
- Regulatory compliance and global best practices (e.g. as adopted in Turkey) be shared.
Post-Trial Requirements include;
- a comprehensive post-trial including but not limited to QoS. Commercial and technical reports are shared at the end of the trial period
- PMCL shall ensure data storage/housing in Pakistan in accordance with license and regulation 8 (12) of the Critical Telecom Data and Infrastructure Security Regulations, 2020 as per the instruction of the authority for this purpose. During the techno commercial trial, PMCL to provide its roadmap including a data localization plan for the same
- PMCL to establish data servers/gateway in Pakistan as per the instructions of the Authority
- Removal and Blocking of Unlawful Online Content (Procedure. Oversight and Safeguards) Rules 2021 will be applicable
- BiP shall register itself as a Significant Social Media Company, under Removal and Blocking of Unlawful Online Content Rules, 2021 or as instructed by the Authority
- An agreement made between PMCL, LDN and BA shall be shared with Authority LON and PMCL’s agreement with BiP shall be non-exclusive and non-discriminatory in nature towards other operators
- Revenue earned through the PMCL and LDN this arrangement must be reflected separately from AAA, Any proceeds including, but not limited to fees in notes of subscription etc received by Jazz or any other operators on account of rendering any such or related services shall be accounted for separately having reported under the head gross revenue and the full amount of the same shall be offered for application of annual regulatory dues by the relevant operator. Further, no netting of related expenses shall be allowed in any case
- Any payments or accrual on account of foreign carrier costs shall not be considered inter-operator costs
- Authority may impose any additional conditions/requirements as and when required Failure to comply with the terms may result in revocation of the permission and may lead to legal action as per applicable law.
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AOA can u confirm when zong will launch VOLTE in Pakistan???