IT & Telecom Market Updates – Faheela Muzzafar | 13th Oct, 2016

IT & Telecom Market Updates

IT & Telecom Market Updates on PhoneWorld LIVE provides the latest news from all around the IT and telecom industry, locally and internationally. Updates cover all government regulations on telecom sector, policies matters, regulatory and operator’s news, gadgets, wireless broadband, apps and software, and growing ICT trends.

Today’s News Updates are:

  1. University of Washington Invites Umar Saif for a Lecture on Designing Technology.
  2. Yahoo adds security event tracking to its Account Info page.
  3. Prisma will Now Transform Your Videos into Artwork.
  4. Google’s Sprayscape App Lets You Capture Wild VR Photos.
  5. Punjab Police Inaugurates its First Police Integrated Command and Control Center.
  6. Google, Facebook to invest in US-China Data Link.


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