WhatsApp is Testing AI-Generated Profile Images Feature

Meta, the company behind Facebook and WhatsApp, is really pushing into the world of artificial intelligence (AI). They’re spending a lot of money on AI hardware and development, and they’re trying to add new AI features to all their apps. This includes WhatsApp, the messaging app almost everyone uses. But WhatsApp is known for being slow to add new features because most users just want to chat with friends, not play around with fancy tech. Still, Meta is trying anyway. They’re working on a new feature that would let you create your own AI-generated profile images for WhatsApp.

There’s a code snippet in the latest version of WhatsApp that suggests an unreleased “Create AI Profile Picture” option. This would be similar to what some other apps already do, and maybe even something you could already do with Meta’s other AI tools.

WhatsApp is Testing AI-Generated Profile Images Feature

Adding your own photo to Meta’s AI system isn’t straightforward. It seems you can only describe your profile picture for the AI to work with, kind of like creating a police sketch of yourself with a computer. This could be interesting, but it might take a lot of tries to get it right.

This isn’t the only app Meta is working on with AI profile pictures. They’re also testing it on Facebook and Instagram. Maybe they’ll launch it all at once, letting people on all their apps create strange, kind-of-real pictures of themselves.

Is this a good idea? Probably not, but it’s definitely interesting. It would add to the other AI features WhatsApp already has, like stickers, you can make from words and a “Meta AI chatbot” that Meta thinks will be popular someday.

Most of these AI tools are kind of cool, but they’re also new and not something people might use all the time. However, AI is a big deal right now, and all the tech companies think it’s the future. They want to be a part of it, even if it’s not totally clear how AI fits into social media and messaging apps.

We’ll just have to wait and see what happens!

See Also: WhatsApp Unveils Pinned Message Previews: A Sneak Peek at What’s Important

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Onsa Mustafa

Onsa is a Software Engineer and a tech blogger who focuses on providing the latest information regarding the innovations happening in the IT world. She likes reading, photography, travelling and exploring nature.

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