Top 3 Board Games for Android Users

Top 3 Board Games for Android. Android Phones have given rebirth to board games whose delight was lost with the invention of computer games. Nowadays it doesn’t take a lot of effort to open the Google play store and download your favorite board games which you used to play earlier. It has solved the issue of making space for large board games on shelves. Now you can just pick up your tablet or smartphone and just download the fantastic games within a second.

Top 3 Board Games for Android

I am jotting down the top 3 board games for Android which are personally my favorite.

  • Ticket To Ride
  • Sea Battle 2
  • Catan

Ticket To Ride:

In this game, players have to build extensive rail emperors by joining different colored cars to connect cities. At each turn, player has either to pick two cars or take a new ticket. In this way, the player will be challenged to connect two cities before the second player runs out of cars. The more cities are connected at further points the more player is towards the victory. The player with the longest points of connecting two cities gets bonus points.

Basically, the game, Ticket To Ride is a fine combination of rivalry and construction. The in-app purchase grants you access to a new bundle of maps and boards, all of which are totally worth the price

Number of players: 1-5

Options to play: Solo, Pass-and-play, local multiplayer, online multiplayer

To download the game click here.

Sea Battle 2:

This game can be played by a random online opponent or a person sitting next to you. It’s all about not letting anyone sink your battleship. If a battleship goes beyond, one can include planes, radars, mines, and submarines.

You can name your submarine and watch your scores on the global leaderboard. You can use the in-App cat feature to discuss strategy. The school graph paper design will take you right back to playing tricky battleship rounds during high school study hall.

Number of players: 1-2

Options to play: Solo, pass-and-play, local multiplayer over Bluetooth, online multiplayer

To download the game click here.

Check Out: Best RPG Games for Android in 2023


Catan is a very classic board game. This game is all about wheeling and dealing. In these games, players are supposed to harvest resources and connect their villagers through roads. In this way, they will gather points. It doesn’t seem difficult but between the inter-player trading and the cramped real estate, Catan can be a very tense game.

Players can use their harvested resources to buy cards. These cards can provide them with more useful resources. Pass-and-play multiplayer is available, as well as many of the original game’s expansions.

Number of players: 1-5

Options to play: Solo, pass-and-play, online multiplayer

To download game click here.

Also Read: Our Pick of Top 5 Android Games of 2016

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Fizza Atique

Fizza Atique is a Tech writer specializing in the intersection of tech and culture. She likes photography, VR, electronic music, coffee, and baking.

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