Facebook Bug Made Private Posts of 14 MN Users Public
Today Facebook informed its valuable users that there is a bug associated with social media platform that shares users post publically without informing them. The Facebook bug is a big alarm to users after Cambridge Analytica scandal.
The company revealed that this bug was live last month, which changes the users’ post settings to the public which are visible by everyone.
Company warns 14 mn People About a Facebook Bug Change Their Posts to Public
Facebook generally sets its suggestions for sharing based on users’ settings and previous activity. This software bug changes the default settings to public, even if users want to share with a smaller group of people.
The company revealed that the bug was active between May 18th and May 27th. Facebook was successful to stop this bug on May 22nd however they couldn’t revert back posts to previous settings till five days.
The company informed users about Facebook Bug which made Private Posts of 14 MN users public and also asked them to set their previous settings.
From last some months, Facebook is witnessing multiple blunders following, since Cambridge Analytica Scandal. Nowadays Facebook is also accused of sharing data with mobile phone manufacturers.
facebook chief privacy officer Erin Egan said in a statement:
We have fixed this issue and starting today we are letting everyone affected know and asking them to review any posts they made during that time. “To be clear, this bug did not impact anything people had posted before — and they could still choose their audience just as they always have. We’d like to apologize for this mistake.”
Facebook users are not at all happy to know about this Facebook Bug and this social media platform is losing its charm due to these scandals.
Also Read: Facebook made deals with Apple, Samsung & other Tech giants to get access to Personal Data
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