Mark Zuckerberg Builts AI Assistant, Jarvis for his Home

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder finally fulfilled his personal-growth challenges. Few months back, Zuckerberg announced that he planned to build an AI system to run his home using Facebook tools. Mark Zuckerberg Builts AI Assistant, Jarvis for his Home.

In 2017, Facebook Founder can ask his personal assistant Jarvis to allow guests into his party, using facial recognition and a smart lock.This new project plays music, makes toast, and occasionally annoys his wife.

Mark Zuckerberg Builts AI Assistant, Jarvis for his Home

His project is to make himself a virtual personal assistant. It is totally like Tony Stark’s in Iron Man. This Achievement will also lead to a great way to show off Facebook Messenger.

Jarvis will control Zuckerberg’s home. It can automatically unlock the front door for people to entre, control the lights and home security systems, manage the temperature, and activate a toaster from the 1950s that’s been upgraded with an internet-connected power switch.

According to Zuckerberg:

In some ways, this challenge was easier than I expected, building the virtual assistant, which uses several artificial intelligence techniques, including natural language processing, speech recognition, face recognition, and reinforcement learning, written in Python, PHP and Objective C took less time than the running

The bot is controlled two ways: by a Messenger bot and an iOS app he built for voice recognition. Zuckerberg uses multiple cameras to identify specific faces and then checks the name against a pre-approved list of visitors. If you’re on the list, you’re in!

32 years old billionaire told that future AI products cannot be solely focused on voice and will need a private messaging interface as well.

Fcebook’s founder said:

If I’m doing something that relates to [to a group], like playing music for all of us, then speaking feels fine, but most of the time text feels more appropriate. Similarly, when Jarvis communicates with me, I’d much rather receive that over text message than voice.

Probably zuckerberg won’t release the code to operate Jarvis because it’s actually tied to his home security system. It is indeed a big achievement of the year.

Also Read: Facebook Messenger Introduces Snapchat like Camera with 3D effects

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Fizza Atique

Fizza Atique is a Tech writer specializing in the intersection of tech and culture. She likes photography, VR, electronic music, coffee, and baking.

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