Our Pick of Top 5 Android Games of 2016

Playing games is the most appreciated thing to pass your spare time. This year a tons of mobile games launched on the Google Play Store. There were racing, puzzle, suspense, and augmented reality games. One of the famous games we are familiar with is Pokemon Go. So we come up with the top 5 Android games of 2016.

Here is Our Pick of the Top 5 Android Games of 2016

Pokemon Go

There is no need to tell about the game as it gets more publicity when it is launched. This game broke the record for so many games. Using Augmented reality, this game uses GPS to track your position. Players can catch the Pokemon from the nearest Poke stores. The game has just launched in Pakistan when the game’s fame vanished. It is a free game, available on Google Play Store.

You can download the game from Here

Clash Royale

One of the famous games of 2016 is Clash Royale. Clash Royale is a card-based PvP game where you duel against other players. You can improve your ranking by beating other players. You can also form clans, share cards, and earn various rewards for playing the game. This game also gets so fame after its launch. The game is available on the Google Play store and is free to download and play.

You can download the game from Here

Asphalt Xtreme

This game became quite famous among racing game lovers. Asphalt Xtreme is the latest racing game from Gameloft. This game features offroad vehicles along with offroad tracks. It is easy to play and good looking game. Currently, the game has 35 vehicles and more will add soon. It is a free in-app purchase game and is available on Google Play Store.

You can download the game from Here

Final Fantasy IX

Square Enix released many good games in 2016. Final Fantasy IX is pretty cool to play. It has a 25+ hour story along with copious numbers of side quests to do and plenty of places to explore. To download the game you need more storage capacity around 3.2 GBs. Unfortunately, the game is not free, players have to pay $20.99. However, there are no in-app purchases. The game is available on Play Store.

You can download the game from Here

The Room 3

If you love to play puzzle games, then this game is surely for you. The Room 3 is the latest release of one of the best puzzle games. It is far better than its predecessors. It also supports cloud saving and redesigned touch controls from the previous games. Players have to pay $1.99 to play this game. It is the highest-rated major game release this year. The game gets a 4.9 out of 5-star rating on Google Play. So we choose this game as one of the top 5 Android games of 2016.

You can download the game from Here

Also Read: Best Games like Clash Royale and Best RPG Games for Android in 2023

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Onsa Mustafa

Onsa is a Software Engineer and a tech blogger who focuses on providing the latest information regarding the innovations happening in the IT world. She likes reading, photography, travelling and exploring nature.

One Comment

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