Uber Postpones Self-Driving Cars After Accident

Uber Postpones Self-Driving Cars After Accident. The ride hailing company, Uber has suspended its fleet of self-driving cars after Arizona crash. The investigation for the incident is still pending.

The company stated:

“No one was seriously injured in the accident which occurred Friday in Tempe, Arizona while the vehicle — a Volvo SUV — was in self-driving mode.”

Uber Postpones Self-Driving Cars After Accident

“We are continuing to look into this incident. And can confirm we had no backseat passengers in the vehicle.”

The Uber spokesperson further added.

Tempe police spokeswoman Josie Montenegros said that the incident took place when the other car “couldn’t yield” while making a left turn.

“The vehicles collided causing the autonomous vehicle to roll onto it’s side. There were no serious injuries.”

She said.

Uber self-driving cars always have a driver who can control the car any time. Montenegro further added that it was too early to say whether the Uber driver was controlling the vehicle at the time of the accident or not.

After the accident in Arizona, the company suspended its self-driving cars. Following the ground incident, Uber also pulled them off the road in Pittsburgh and San Francisco. These are the other two locations where Uber operates self-driving cars.

Before this the California Department of Motor Vehicles ordered Uber’s autonomous cars off state roads in December 2016. The company had asked Uber to first get special permits for the self-driving technology.

Also Read: Uber Refuses to Remove Self Driving Cars from San Francisco

The company has been hit by a number of bad news stories. The incidents such as cut-throat workplace tactics and hidden use of law enforcement-eluding software. Many executives have left the company, including President Jeff Jones who announced his departure recently.

Self-driving cars supporters are of the view that deadly accidents can be reduced with such technology. That helps in eliminating human error. But still there have been accidents, including a causality in Florida in May when a truck struck a speeding Tesla that was on autopilot.

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